
发音:   用"商业运输"造句
business traffic
commercial traffic
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  1. Seine river and its branch form the chief commercial waterway of france
  2. Road vehicles . isolating switch for buses and commercial vehicles . dimensional characteristics and functional specifications
  3. Via the highway - ring around budapest , all the hungarian highways are easily accessible for the commercial transports ( including the commercial port of budapest )
    通过布达佩斯绕城高速公路,所有匈牙利公路均可方便地用于商业运输(包括布达佩斯的商业码头) 。
  4. According to the categorization of the cabinet - level directorate general of budget , accounting and statistics , the industrial sector includes the manufacturing and construction industries , as well as public utility suppliers . in the meantime , the service sector is composed of business , transportation and communication , civil service , and banking and insurance interests
  5. Many of the trips are already made throughout the day , including the evening , and so if more are to be made during un - social hours the providers of the transport will need more equipment to make the same number of trips in shorter time . in addition staff will need to be present at both the origin and destination of the trips to handle the deliveries


  1. "商业圆桌委员会"英文
  2. "商业远景"英文
  3. "商业约会"英文
  4. "商业允差"英文
  5. "商业运动"英文
  6. "商业运行"英文
  7. "商业运转速率"英文
  8. "商业运作"英文
  9. "商业运作安全"英文
  10. "商业运作管理"英文


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