
发音:   用"四川省公安厅"造句
sichuan public security department
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  1. On the basis of the annual appraisal , incentives were implemented for poorest performers under the integrated assessment in the form of full - time training for redeployment , posting adjustment for junior cadres with poorest performance , etc . , as a mechanism to foster a sense of commitment and dedication among police officers ; pertinent remedial initiatives were launched to thoroughly curb the extortion of confession through torture , abuse of police arms weapons and unscrupulous resort to coercive measures . this year , based on the " five prohibitions " by the public security department , a new " public security director s order " has again been issued to strictly prevent police officers from involvement in operating places of entertainment , protecting related illegal activities , and collecting undue fees or fines
    近5年来,四川省公安厅根据本地实际,以连续颁发"公安厅长令"的形式就公务用枪、警车警灯警报使用、加强扣押和暂扣机动车管理的问题做出了明确规定;建立了在年终考核基础上,对综合考评处于末位的民警实行待岗培训、基层干部末位调整等鼓励民警爱业敬业,忠于职守的激励机制;还深入开展了严禁刑讯逼供、严禁滥用枪支警械和严禁滥用强制措施的专项治理;今年又在执行公安部" 5条禁令"的基础上,再次颁发"公安厅长令" ,严禁公安民警参与经营娱乐服务场所及其违法活动提供保护和严禁乱收费、乱罚款。


  1. "四川省成都邛崃市"英文
  2. "四川省成都郫县"英文
  3. "四川省出版集团公司"英文
  4. "四川省档案馆"英文
  5. "四川省德阳什邡市"英文
  6. "四川省剑阁羽绒综合制品厂"英文
  7. "四川省江安县羽绒厂"英文
  8. "四川省开江县羽绒服装厂"英文
  9. "四川省科创卫星电视设备厂"英文
  10. "四川省客车厂"英文


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