
发音:   用"土产品"造句
native produce
native products
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  1. Markets have been established in the city , where peasants can bring their spare stores and country produce
  2. " he was calling from underneath his bed , " a police spokesman told reuters . " i don ' t know what he was thinking . perhaps he was smoking too much of his own product .
    "他是躲在床下打的电话, "一警方发言人对路透社记者说道, "我不知道他当时是怎么想的,恐怕是吸了太多的自制土产品吧!
  3. Foundry sand adhesives serial bentonite is standard by jb t9227 1999 issued by national industry department . it was apply to settle the problem of high pressure model production line , sand mold collapse
    铸造型砂粘结合用膨润土产品标准参照机械工业部颁标jb t9227 - 1999 .本系列产品适用于高压造型生产线,砂型塌方等问题。
  4. In spite of the furore this year in the us and europe about the safety of china - made goods , the survey also shows that chinese consumers are increasingly confident about the quality of products made in their country
  5. The company deals in fiberglass products , handicrafts , light industry , textile and garment , native products , machinery and equipments , metals , electronic products and other import and export business approved by the state , and undertakes the sino - foreign joint ventures , cooperative production , process with provided materials , process with provided samples , assembly with provided parts and compensation trade


  1. "土产"英文
  2. "土产的"英文
  3. "土产店"英文
  4. "土产格式"英文
  5. "土产公司"英文
  6. "土产商店"英文
  7. "土产食品商店"英文
  8. "土产田"英文
  9. "土产畜产"英文
  10. "土产畜产馆"英文


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