
发音:   用"土壤图"造句
pedological map
soil map
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  1. Large scale soil map
  2. Based on the analysis of natural and geographic background of jiaozhou land type , under the principle of comprehensiveness , dominant factor , produce and practice , thd author made field investigathion and the defined thd line of land type with reference of 1 : 15000 aviation chart , geologic map , topographic map , soil map , and climate planning map of jiaozhou . the system of land classification included land unit ( genus ) - land unit ( family ) , furthermore , according to thd above classification system , the author drew thd 1 : 50000 land type map . finally , this thesis elaborated thd main characters , utilizing situation and of grade - 2 land type land unit genus
    胶州市土地类型的划分,是在分析胶州市土地类型区域自然地理背景,剖析各土地分异因素,按照综合性原则、主导性原则和实践性原则,应用1 : 1 . 5万航空象片,进行野外实地考察,并参考该市的地质图、地貌图、土壤图、土地详查图和气候区划图,在综合分析的基础上,确定土地类型界限,以限区(属) ?限区(科)构成土地分类系统,并据此编制胶州市1 : 5万土地类型图。
  3. With gis , gps supporting , all of the data collected , including statistics data , farmers input and output data , soil fertility data , water depth and quality data , etc . were put on the land use map . by comparing the temporal and spatial changes of these data , there were following conclusions out coming : ( l ) the change of cultivated land shows this tendency : rapid increasing period , rapid decreasing period , slow decreasing period , stable period , the driving force of cultivated land change are population change , climate change , technical change , the economic development and the national policies
    以曲周县1 : 5万土地利用现状图、土壤图为基础图件,依托gis和gps信息技术,利用曲周县统计年鉴、土地利用变更调查、农户调查、不同用地类型的土壤养分、地下水位、水质等数据资料进行综合分析,得出了以下主要结论: ( 1 )建国以来,曲周耕地数量经历了增加急剧减少缓慢减少相对稳定的变化过程。
  4. With the help of rs , gis , gps , the interpreted maps of 1985 and 2000 remote sensing images overlay the digitized soil map to get the area of very kind of soil that the city covered during its progress of urbanization . the function of gis are elaborated , such as managing spatial data and attribute data , spatial analyzing and outputting ultimate maps to get the reduced number of nanjing population carrying capacity and its spatial distribution because of the expansion of city
    利用rs 、 gis和gps技术,对南京市1985年和2000年遥感图像解译,得到南京市城市扩展图,把扩展图和南京市土壤图叠加;充分发挥gis技术在管理空间、属性数据和空间分析与输出成果图等强大功能,计算出南京市由于城市扩展而使人口承载力减少的数量及其空间分布。
  5. This paper adopts the land use state in2000a ( l : 3 + 104 ) , the soil chart ( 1 : 6 + 104 ) and hectometer contour relief map ( include three chongqing area ) of chongqing and geology map ( l : 6 + 104 ) of sichuan province as basic analytical data , measure landscape patches into 7 types including cultivated land , orchard , forestland , unused land , grassland , resident and industry land , water bodies according to land use state basing on land use types , make the landscape map of chongqing karst area by gis software
    本研究是以重庆市1 : 30万的土地利用现状图( 2000年版) 、 1 : 60万的土壤图以及重庆市百米等高距的地形图和四川省(包括重庆市) 1 : 60万的地质图作为基本分析图件。在土地利用类型的基础上,依据土地利用现状划分了耕地、园地、林地、未利用地、草地、居民工矿用地和水域7类景观嵌块体类型,再借助于gis软件生成重庆岩溶区景观图。


  1. "土壤通气器"英文
  2. "土壤通气性"英文
  3. "土壤统一分类"英文
  4. "土壤统一分类法"英文
  5. "土壤透水透气度测定仪"英文
  6. "土壤图斑"英文
  7. "土壤图表"英文
  8. "土壤图表示单位"英文
  9. "土壤图学"英文
  10. "土壤团聚体"英文



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