
发音:   用"在线工作"造句
on line operation
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  1. New workplace managed client features greatly expand the user experience , especially for those who work online
    新的workplace managed client特性极大地扩展了用户体验,特别是对于那些在线工作的用户。
  2. By leveraging the embedded ejb enterprise javabean container and encrypted relational database , users can work offline and online
    通过使用内嵌的ejb ( enterprise javabean )容器和加密的关系数据库,用户可以脱机及在线工作
  3. If you ' ve been working online for any length of time you know that one of the best and fastest ways to make money with your products is to offer an affiliate program
  4. The added comfort of a train and the ability to walk about , eat in a dining car , work online or use a mobile phone ? not to mention the lack of endless queues and security checks ? mean that high - speed rail offers a good alternative to flying
    列车的舒适度增加以及可以在随便走动,在餐车吃饭,在线工作或者使用手机? ?不要说不需要排很长的队做安全检查? ? ,这些都意味着高速铁路比起坐飞机提供了一个的不错的选择。
  5. Namely it is on - line insulation monitoring . in this thesis by analyzing on - line insulation monitoring transition digital waveform based on fft is brought up . at the on - line monitoring system ' s structure of high voltage electric equipment is introduced emphatically


  1. "在线格网控制"英文
  2. "在线格网控制 オンライングリッド制御"英文
  3. "在线隔离监视器"英文
  4. "在线更新,也就是说游戏是无时无刻最新"英文
  5. "在线工业"英文
  6. "在线公共访问目录"英文
  7. "在线公共检索目录"英文
  8. "在线公共论坛"英文
  9. "在线购物,网上购物"英文
  10. "在线故障测量"英文


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