
发音:   用"地区性合作"造句
regional cooperation
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  1. International and regional collaboration
  2. The spokesman said that the commissioner of police , mr tsang yam - pui , is currently in malaysia to discuss with the malaysian law enforcement agencies regional co - operation in the fight against terrorism
  3. The emergence of the " cooperative security " and its practice in the asia - pacific area create a fine regional environment for china to test " new security theory " and its " initiative - cooperation " security strategy . at the same time , china ' s " new security theory " and its " initiative - cooperation " security strategy will embody the principles of " cooperative security " : " cooperative security " is the core of the " new security theory " ; as a security pattern , " cooperative security " is an attractive pattern for china to practise its " new security theory " . this pushes china to involve all kinds of " cooperative security " organizations actively so that china can realize its security strategic goals of the asia - pacific area as early as possible
    “合作安全”理念在亚太的兴起及以此理念为指导的合作安全模式在亚太的蓬勃开展为中国实践“新安全观”和选择“自主合作”式安全战略营造了良khi硕士学住论文wmaster ’ sthesis好的地区环境背景;同时, “合作安全”也将内化为中国“新安全观”和“自主合作”式安全战略的一部分: “合作安全”是“新安全观”的题中应有之义,是“新安全观”的核心内容, “合作安全”作为一种安全模式,也是实施“新安全观”的有效方式;在“新安全观”的指导下,冷战后的中国应该走“自主合作”式安全战略之路,这就要求中国积极参与各种地区性合作安全组织并促进合作安全模式的发展,这样有利于中国营造一个最优化的国际安全环境以保证本国在亚太的安全战略目标顺利实现。


  1. "地区性港务局"英文
  2. "地区性公立大学方面"英文
  3. "地区性管理无线通信会议"英文
  4. "地区性广播电台"英文
  5. "地区性航行通告"英文
  6. "地区性会议"英文
  7. "地区性检测计划,区域试验计划"英文
  8. "地区性交通"英文
  9. "地区性交通计画"英文
  10. "地区性街道"英文



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