
[ zuòbǎn ]发音:   用"坐板"造句
thwart (or bank)
  • :    sit; be seated; ta ...
  • :    board; plank; plat ...
  • 艇坐板:    boat thwart
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  1. He made the fish fast to the bow, the stern and to the middle thwart .
  2. There was one thwart set as low as possible , a kind of stretcher in the bows , and a double paddle for propulsion
  3. Of oaks from bashan they made your oars ; of cypress wood from the coasts of cyprus they made your deck , inlaid with ivory
    6用巴珊的橡树作你的桨,用象牙镶嵌基提海岛的黄杨木为坐板(坐板或作舱板) 。
  4. Of oaks from bashan they made your oars ; of cypress wood from the coasts of cyprus they made your deck , inlaid with ivory
    6 [和合]用巴珊的橡树作你的桨,用象牙镶嵌基提海6岛的黄杨木为坐板( “坐板”或作“舱板” ) 。
  5. Of oak - trees from bashan they have made your driving blades ; they have made your floors of ivory and boxwood from the sea - lands of kittim
    用巴珊的橡树作你的桨,用象牙镶嵌基提海岛的黄杨木为坐板(坐板或作舱板) 。


  1. "坐,栖息"英文
  2. "坐,说"英文
  3. "坐班"英文
  4. "坐班房"英文
  5. "坐班时间"英文
  6. "坐板疮"英文
  7. "坐板骨"英文
  8. "坐板升降结"英文
  9. "坐板支材"英文
  10. "坐板支材(小艇)"英文


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