
发音:   用"埋藏岩溶"造句
buried karst
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  1. Analysis of six cementing events indicates that the deeply buried karst during himalayan epoch is related to corrosive hydrothermal fluid and is the key period for forming porous system of the present reservoir
  2. Abstract : according to observation and study , the paleokarstifications of ordovician could be classified into 6 periods , i . e . depositional karstification , weathering curst karstification , burial karstification , semi - burial structural karstification , second burial karstification stage , its karstic types have mainly deposition karst , emergence karst , burial karst , wqueezing - water and structural karst or hot - water karst , and its karst - rocks can be distributed to two kinds of types , i . e . karst - sedimentary rock and karst - regenerated rock , and further to 8 subcategories and 5 sub - sub - categories in the north of anhui , china
  3. According to observation and study , the paleokarstifications of ordovician could be classified into 6 periods , i . e . depositional karstification , weathering curst karstification , burial karstification , semi - burial structural karstification , second burial karstification stage , its karstic types have mainly deposition karst , emergence karst , burial karst , wqueezing - water and structural karst or hot - water karst , and its karst - rocks can be distributed to two kinds of types , i . e . karst - sedimentary rock and karst - regenerated rock , and further to 8 subcategories and 5 sub - sub - categories in the north of anhui , china


  1. "埋藏线"英文
  2. "埋藏型岩溶"英文
  3. "埋藏学"英文
  4. "埋藏压力"英文
  5. "埋藏盐土"英文
  6. "埋藏异常"英文
  7. "埋藏于地下的宝藏"英文
  8. "埋藏于体内"英文
  9. "埋藏源"英文
  10. "埋藏晕"英文


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