
发音:   用"基差风险"造句
basis risk
  • :    base; foundation
  • :    send on an errand; ...
  • 风险:    risk; hazard; dang ...
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  1. Ratio of the value of futures contracts purchased or sold to the value of the cash commodity being hedged , a computation necessary to minimize basis risk
  2. Therefore , the dissertation firstly reviews the status quo of the innovation of the interest rate liberalization and analyzes the impacts of the interest rate liberalization imposed to the commercial banks . then the dissertation thoroughly and systematically studies the management of interest rate risk in the three following steps : firstly , the dissertation analyzes the interest rate risk imposed to the commercial banks and subdivides the interest rate risk into the balance risk between assets and liabilities the basic risk the yield curve risk and the embedded option risk according to the principles for the management of interest risk issued by bis in 1997 . secondly , the dissertation thoroughly and systematically studies the measuring methods of interest rate risk , which are named as rate - sensitive fund gap analysis macaulay ' s duration gap analysis and convexity analysis
  3. Risk premium , basis risk premium and systematic risk premium is built based on capital assets price model . the model is used to increase income under the condition which a systematic risk is reduced , not only the model reflects the actual meaning of hedging of stock index futures , but also combines conventional hedging theory and modern combinatorial hedging theory


  1. "基察努"英文
  2. "基察伊"英文
  3. "基差"英文
  4. "基差:同一种商品现货价与期货价之差"英文
  5. "基差订单"英文
  6. "基差合约"英文
  7. "基差交易"英文
  8. "基柴金"英文
  9. "基昌路"英文
  10. "基场"英文


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