
[ zēngdìng ]发音:   "增订"的汉语解释   用"增订"造句
revise and enlarge (a book)
◇增订版 revised edition; 增订本 revised and enlarged edition
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  1. Karl jaspers , way to wisdom , an introduction to philosophy , new haven and london yale university press , 1954 , 第 138 页
    方立天: 《佛教哲学》 ,中国人民大学出版社1991年增订版,第4页。
  2. 3 orley j saxenas , herrman h . quality of life and mental illness : reflec - tions from the perspective of the who ? qol . br j psychiatry , 1998 , 172 : 291
    5何燕玲.阳性与阴性症状量表.中国心理卫生杂志社, 1999 (增订版) , 267
  3. Technical amendments to section 23 ( 9 ) and addition of section 23 ( 9a ) to clarify the burden of proof on the defendant as well as the prosecution
    就第23 ( 9 )条作出技术修订,以及增订第23 ( 9a )条,以澄清控方和辩方的举证责任。
  4. New franchise conditions will be introduced requiring bus companies to adopt the latest commercially available environmental technologies in their new buses
  5. New franchise conditions will be introduced requiring bus companies to adopt the latest commercially available environmental technologies in their new buses


  1. "增电子剂"英文
  2. "增电子作用"英文
  3. "增调剂"英文
  4. "增丁"英文
  5. "增定期寿险"英文
  6. "增订安全理事会惯例汇辑信托基金"英文
  7. "增订版"英文
  8. "增订版的"英文
  9. "增订本"英文
  10. "增订的"英文


男子高铁涉嫌猥亵女儿,警方却终止调查! (双语版)

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