
发音:   用"壁面效应"造句
wall effect
  • :    wall
  • :    face
  • 效应:    effect; action; in ...
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  1. The c . e . in both 2d and 3d problem increase the lifting forces , the c . e . in 3d problem decreases the " drag coefficients , but the c . e . in 2d increases the drag a little
  2. Attenuates slower than the c . e . , when the wing fly high enough , the c . e . is the main effect to the aerodynamic characteristics . 3 . the larger the chord , the stronger the c . e . and w . e
  3. Three models are employed to analyze the aerodynamic characteristics of a wing above sea - wave . those are ( 1 ) curve surface effect ( c . e . ) , ( 2 ) wavy air motion effect ( w . e . ) and the coupled effect a . e
  4. A new viewpoint to the albatross ' s high performance of flight near wave surface is presented in this paper . how the albatross can realize it high performance flight above waves by taking advantage of wavy effect and boundary effect is illustrated in details
  5. The temperature gradient and concentration gradient were both large in the near - wall region . although the thermophoresis force could affect the 50 - micron particle , the concentration did not change as large as 2 - micron particle because of the large mass and the wall effect


  1. "壁面射流"英文
  2. "壁面涂层"英文
  3. "壁面土压"英文
  4. "壁面湍流"英文
  5. "壁面温度"英文
  6. "壁面修整"英文
  7. "壁面压力"英文
  8. "壁面砖"英文
  9. "壁面作用"英文
  10. "壁明"英文


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