
发音:   用"复测"造句
check survey
repetition measurement
  • :    repeated; double; ...
  • :    survey; fathom; me ...
  • 复测度:    complex measure
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  1. In case of retesting : reference to previous application
  2. Check survey of centre line
  3. Resurvey the column axis and elevation line , and mark out the column form line , 1 : 2 cement mortar will be used to leveling at the column bottom . “ 井 ” shape rack will be set around each column , and mark elevation control line on it
    将柱轴线、标高线复测投点,弹出柱支模线,将柱脚支模处用1 : 2水泥砂浆找平,每根柱周围搭设井字架,在井字架上抄测标高控制线。
  4. Abstract : construction control survey and construction moulding survey are the guarantee of that engineering building and the size of the details meet design . supervision survey ensures the construction survey conforming to the pracision requirement of engineering
  5. After secondly testing and investigating carefully , it indicates that there are a lot of unfavorable geological road section and a long distance is about 39 . 78km , is 28 . 2 % of the whole road . it is worth mentioning that most parts of the road is in new road . the max depth of filling is 33 . 6m and the max depth of cutting is 32 . 2m ; the great quantity of engineering , the difficulty of the technology , and the complexion of the construction are highest in all of province roads
    通过路线复测和详细调查了解到,地质不良路段多、里程长,全线共39 . 78公里,占全线总长的28 . 2 ,且大部分处于新线。路线最大填高达33 . 6m ,最大挖深32 . 2m ,工程量大,技术复杂,施工难度堪称全省公路建设之最。


  1. "复参数"英文
  2. "复参数的"英文
  3. "复操纵系统"英文
  4. "复槽集束器"英文
  5. "复策动点力"英文
  6. "复测定系数"英文
  7. "复测度"英文
  8. "复测法"英文
  9. "复测法测量"英文
  10. "复测复角测法"英文


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