
发音:   用"多普勒调制"造句
doppler modulation
  • :    many; much; more
  • :    general; universal
  • 调制:    mingle; toss; lard ...
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  1. In order to improve the frequency stabilization of the doppler modulator , a series of affecting factors are considered in depth and optimized in the aspects of optics , mechanics and electronics
  2. The experiment results show that : the frequency stabilization of the optimized doppler modulator has already reached rms error about 1 % , which could meet the need of reference signal of the lock - in amplifier
    实验结果表明,经过优化后的多普勒调制器的输出调制信号频率的相对标准误差达到了1 %左右,能够满足锁相放大器对输入参考信号频率稳定度的要求。
  3. This dissertation introduces the work principles , hardware circuit structure and application of a pint - sized multifunctional radar echo generator , which can generate various waveforms needed . we can modulate the doppler frequency and adjust the time delay of the waveform to validate the performance the radar system
    该设备体积小、操作简便、便于携带,可模拟lfm 、 nlfm 、单频、相位编码等多种脉冲信号波形,具有较宽的多普勒调制和时间延迟调节功能,能有效验证脉冲压缩与信号处理单元的工作性能,准确评估雷达系统的分辨力、威力范围等技战术指标。


  1. "多普勒导航系统"英文
  2. "多普勒导航仪"英文
  3. "多普勒地速频率"英文
  4. "多普勒电泳光扫描"英文
  5. "多普勒电泳光扫描的缩写"英文
  6. "多普勒定位"英文
  7. "多普勒定位法"英文
  8. "多普勒定位和测距系统"英文
  9. "多普勒定位与测距系统"英文
  10. "多普勒短弧法定位"英文


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