
[ dàgù ]发音:   "大故"的汉语解释   用"大故"造句
[书面语] (指父母丧) (of one's parent) die
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  1. Use exhausting construction to fix different problems on the same fuse box , in case the current
  2. Keeping the style of the original stories , the book rearranges the plots of the stories with exaggeration and fantasy , making them strong in dynamics and characteristics
  3. As i studied it more and more , i found so many layers and i began to realize how important the beginning of a story is . and that the bible is one great big story made up of many little stories
  4. The big story of the nba coming into this season really was not the referee issue ( it ' s difficult to call one guy a scandal ) , but bryant ' s apparent desire to be traded and near daily reports about bryant being on the verge of coming to the bulls
    本赛季nba的大故事真不是裁判的问题, (接别人短很难) ,而是科比要求交易自己,而且在报价单上科比已经无限接近了公牛队。
  5. Gossip columnists said the wedding of former beatle sir paul mccartney and former model and anti - land mine campaigner heather mills , to take place some time next year , should be a big story but won ' t dominate showbiz pages for long


  1. "大股东, 资力雄厚的股东"英文
  2. "大股东;主要股东"英文
  3. "大股东控权人"英文
  4. "大股东沙布拉控股"英文
  5. "大股气流"英文
  6. "大故障"英文
  7. "大故障前平均时间"英文
  8. "大故遽遭"英文
  9. "大顾店"英文
  10. "大固阳汤"英文


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