
发音:   用"完全中学"造句
combined junior and senior high school; secondary school
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  1. Established in 1986 , the school is one of the key secondary schools of baiyin city
  2. The author hopes this thesis will contribute to the scientific , rational and standard construction and utilization of educational facilities in secondary schools in the city of xifeng , and in schools of the same kind in the region
  3. This thesis reviews the past and present discourse in the study of school facilities both in china and abroad ; discusses the principal government standards of the construction of educational facilities ; and , based on these standards , studies the current situation of the construction and utilization of educational facilities of secondary schools in the city of xifeng in regards to school building design and teaching equipment
  4. In this thesis , the author will demonstrate that to improve and optimize the present situation in the construction and utilization of educational facilities in secondary schools in xifeng , new priorities should be implemented : mainly , renewing the ideology of education , adjusting the layout of educational institutions , and amplifying the amount of investment
  5. School areas are too large and the schoolyards and green spaces are too small ; classroom construction is not up to national standards ; and classrooms contain too many students . furthermore , the school desks and chairs often are not compatible ; and books , instruments and sports equipment are far from enough . there is a gap between software and hardware in the configuration of audio - visual aids ; and the coefficient of the utilization of existing equipment is low and ineffective




  1. "完全质量控制"英文
  2. "完全滞止条件"英文
  3. "完全治愈"英文
  4. "完全中等教程"英文
  5. "完全中立"英文
  6. "完全终止"英文
  7. "完全重生药剂"英文
  8. "完全重振"英文
  9. "完全猪饲料"英文
  10. "完全主权"英文


特朗普在联合国演讲 引发现场大声嘲笑!  (双语)

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