
发音:   用"完全粉碎"造句
all to smash
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  1. The damaged wall section had begun to crumble completely
  2. But a jeep accident on the german autobahn in 1987 almost pulverized his pelvis , ending his military career
  3. The film picks up right where the first movie ended . . . shrek and fiona return from their honeymoon to find a letter from fiona s parents inviting the newlyweds over for dinner . the only problem is that they have no idea that their daughter is now an ogre
  4. 7 and i heard the man clothed in linen , which was upon the waters of the river , when he held up his right hand and his left hand unto heaven , and sware by him that liveth for ever that it shall be for a time , times , and an half ; and when he shall have accomplished to scatter the power of the holy people , all these things shall be finished
    7我听见那身穿细麻衣、站在河水以上的人,向天举起左右手,指着活到永远的主起誓,说: “要经过一载、二载、半载( “一载、二载、半载”或译: “一个时期、多个时期、半个时期” ) ;在他们完全粉碎圣民的势力的时候,这一切事就都要完成。 ”


  1. "完全分散式网络"英文
  2. "完全分水"英文
  3. "完全分析"英文
  4. "完全分异过程"英文
  5. "完全分岐值"英文
  6. "完全封闭式模块"英文
  7. "完全风化凝灰岩"英文
  8. "完全疯狂"英文
  9. "完全否认"英文
  10. "完全否认的态度"英文


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