
发音:   用"定时程序"造句
timed sequence
timing routine
timing sequence
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  1. Design of timer program in a real - time data acquisition
  2. You acknowledge and agree that by using the products and services , you may be exposed to content that is offensive , indecent or objectionable . under no circumstances will sinobal be liable in any way for any user or third party content , including , but not limited to , for any errors or omissions in any such content , or for any loss or damage of any kind incurred as a result of the use of any such content posted , emailed or otherwise transmitted via the products and services
    不会含有蓄意毁坏、恶意干扰、秘密地截取或侵占任何系统、数据或个人资料的任何病毒、伪装破坏程序、电脑蠕虫、定时程序炸弹或其他电脑程序; g .不会直接或间接与下述各项货物或服务连接,或包含对下述各项货物或服务的描述: ( i )本协议项下禁止的货物或服务;或( ii )您无权连接或包含的货物或服务。


  1. "定时测定方式"英文
  2. "定时测试"英文
  3. "定时产生器"英文
  4. "定时超前"英文
  5. "定时车站"英文
  6. "定时齿轮"英文
  7. "定时齿轮盖"英文
  8. "定时齿轮室"英文
  9. "定时齿轮室罩"英文
  10. "定时齿轮系"英文


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