
发音:   用"对偶码"造句
dual code
  • 对偶:    antithesis; antith ...
  • :    a sign or object i ...
  • 自对偶码:    self dual code
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  1. Dual and cyclic code of equal hamming distance and its antithesis code
  2. Absolute minimal trellis complexities of extended codes and their dual codes of two types of linear block codes whose code length is odd are given
  3. From these conclusions some results are obtained on absolute minimal trellis complexities of extended primitive bch codes and their dual codes of primitive bch codes
  4. We define a frobenius map over galois , trace codes and subring subcode . we prove the trace of dual codes over galois is the dual codes of subring subcode . all the results are very important for the study of the error correcting codes over rings
    第四,作者在galois环gr ( q ~ m )上定义了frobenius映射,并在该环上定义了迹码和子环子码的概念,得到了galois环上的一个码的对偶码的迹码是该码的子环子码的对偶码。
  5. - the trace representation and the 2 - adic representation for the dual of the quaternary goethals code are given , and its binary image is proved to be the formal dual of the binary goethals code . - the generalized macwilliams identities are given for the support weight distribution of a quaternary linear code with type 4k and that of its dual code
    给出了四元goethals码的对偶码的迹表示及2 - adic表示,并证明了它在gray映射下的二元像是二元goethals码的形式对偶码;从而可以将对非线性码二元goethals码及其形式对偶码的研究转化为对四元线性码的研究; 3


  1. "对偶理想"英文
  2. "对偶联合"英文
  3. "对偶联合学习"英文
  4. "对偶律"英文
  5. "对偶滤波器"英文
  6. "对偶面"英文
  7. "对偶模"英文
  8. "对偶模量"英文
  9. "对偶模型"英文
  10. "对偶拟阵"英文


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