
发音:   用"对流性降水"造句
convective precipitation
  • 对流:    convection; convec ...
  • :    nature; character; ...
  • 降水:    precipitation; rai ...
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  1. 2 ) because the si mainly reflect the information of ice layer above the precipitation , si > = 60k is a good index of strong convective precipitation
    2 )由于si主要对应的是降水层上部冰晶层, si与强对流性降水有很好的相关, si ? 60是一个好的暴雨指标。
  2. Low - level cyclone circulation with high - level anticyclone circulation , is helpful to form low - level convergence and high - level divergence , and make the rising airflow nearby cyclone keep and strengthen so that have offered necessity condition for convection precipitation
  3. In this thesis a three - dimensional cloud model - microwave radiation transfer model combination is used to study the relations among the precipitation , other microphysical characteristics of a convective cloud system and the upwelling radiance at pertinent microwave frequencies . the results of the model are preliminarily compared with trmm products
  4. Q vector divergence field submit piece form district of convergence and divergence , have reflected meso - scale character . in the interface of convergence district and divergence district of q vector divergence , accompany severe convection precipitation and convection precipitation strengthen following convergence center strength , weaken following divergence center weaken


  1. "对流性不稳定度"英文
  2. "对流性尘暴"英文
  3. "对流性倒转"英文
  4. "对流性环流"英文
  5. "对流性尖暴"英文
  6. "对流性降雨"英文
  7. "对流性雷暴"英文
  8. "对流性气流"英文
  9. "对流性水流"英文
  10. "对流性天气"英文


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