
发音:   用"对角对称"造句
diagonal symmetry
  • 对角:    opposite angles; a ...
  • 对称:    symmetry; symmetri ...
  • 对角对:    diagonal pair
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  1. The second part applies divide - and - conquer algorithm to calculate the eigenvalues of symmetrical matrices . the eigenvalues problem of symmetrical matrices ax = x can be transformed the eigenvalues problem of symmetric tridiagonal matrices tx = ux through householder transform . we divide t into t1 , t2 and apply symmetrical qr algorithm to compute the eigenvalues of t1 , t2
    第二部分是利用分而治之算法计算对称矩阵的特征值,对称矩阵特征值问题ax = x ,通过householder变换,转化为三对角对称正定矩阵的特征值问题ty = y ,再将t分割成两个子矩阵t _ 1 , t _ 2 ,然后利用对称qr方法分别求t _ 1 , t _ 2的特征值


  1. "对角缔合双晶"英文
  2. "对角点"英文
  3. "对角电压电桥"英文
  4. "对角电泳技术"英文
  5. "对角对"英文
  6. "对角分割"英文
  7. "对角分类法"英文
  8. "对角分裂"英文
  9. "对角分配对角分配"英文
  10. "对角复带"英文


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