
发音:   用"寿命周期理论"造句
life cycle theory
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  1. Analysis of engine remanufacturing and benefits based on equipment multi - lifecycle theory
  2. The leasders should improve the key competitive ability to make the enterprises get the invincible ( advanced ) position in the complicated and fierce market competition through establishing the strategy and bring it into effect . according to the environmental theory , demand theory , potter ' s theory , product lifecycle theory and other relative theories , the thesis has completely and externally analyzed the product market situation of cmrc , made sure of the product orientation , found out the strength and weakness of the enterprise , based on which established effective strategy to provide decision - making reference for the enterprise development
  3. First , according to the theoretical discussion about processing trade ( pt ) and " the beginning of pt ' s going westward " in china , this paper tries to disclose the pt ' s global evolutional rule from product life cycle model and technological gap model 。 as well as , this paper tries to construct a theoretical platform to study pt properly in china by absorbing the mainstream view of pt ' s economic essence in theoretical field


  1. "寿命周期成本计算"英文
  2. "寿命周期费用"英文
  3. "寿命周期费用分析法"英文
  4. "寿命周期分析"英文
  5. "寿命周期分析法"英文
  6. "寿命周期输出"英文
  7. "寿命周期维修"英文
  8. "寿命最长"英文
  9. "寿摩"英文
  10. "寿默合舌圆锥乳头"英文


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