
发音:   用"峰值负荷"造句
peak load
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  1. The ratio of the average power loss to the power loss under peak loading
  2. America ' s federal energy regulatory commission ( ferc ) calculates that utilities could reduce peak demand by as much as 7 % through variable - pricing schemes
    经美国联邦能源管理委员会( ferc )测算,通过即时变动的定价策略,公共事业公司可以使峰值负荷下降7 % ,从而减少电厂的闲置产能。
  3. Finally , the thesis introduces another model based on queue theory , which can reduce the peak load of repository effectively . multiple server policy is adopted in order to improve the performance
  4. Our new idea makes the users queue in the buffer at the time of peak access to avoid the economic losses for the sake of refusing client - side access in the case that no buffer is available at the repository " s side . as argued in this report , the new method reduces the peak loads of repository effectively
  5. Not only the load magnitudes forecasting including electricity consumption and the peak load of the district , but also special load forecasting ( slf ) should be done for the load forecasting of the distribution network planning , so that the standard of the new equipment and the time and location of installation could be decided , and the reasonable planning could be made


  1. "峰值分页档案位元组"英文
  2. "峰值分页档案字节"英文
  3. "峰值辐射强度"英文
  4. "峰值伏特计"英文
  5. "峰值伏特器"英文
  6. "峰值负荷结束时间"英文
  7. "峰值负荷能力"英文
  8. "峰值负载"英文
  9. "峰值负载电站"英文
  10. "峰值负载发电站"英文



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