
发音:   用"工作层"造句
working lining
  • 工作:    work; operation; w ...
  • :    I storey; tier; st ...
  • 工作层次:    task hierarchy
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  1. Large area of spalling accured on the work layer of high - crcentrifugal cast iron roll after heat treatment
  2. The results indicated that discontinuity of micro structure of work layer caused by in . homogeneous distribution of chemical composition , different pattern of carbide , mhomogeneity of hardness lead to large area of spalling and frther scrapping of roll
  3. After studying the precision of fdm process , a rapid edm electrode fabrication technology based on fdm is developed , the technology , which combined pulse - reverse electroforming with strengthening of copper wire - arc spraying , can obtained compact crystal electrode ' s working part , and strengthened filling part which has big adhesion strength , better electricity and heat conductivity , the edm performance of the obtained electrode reaches that of electrolysis copper electrode
  4. In this paper , the vsi is produced by powder metallurgy . various alloy elements added , porosity and microstructure of materials is considered to affact the vsi ' s property ; matching between the working and none - working layer of vsi is discussed ; and the cost reduction of two - layer vsi is analysed as well
  5. It ' s the advantage of jmfc to apply the centrifugal casting technology to the small size of compound rolls , which characteristics are as follows : combining high hardness , anti - wear , impact and breakage resistance : spun cast the shell by proper charging of alloys and use high strength and impact ductility material as core


  1. "工作测量表"英文
  2. "工作测量器具"英文
  3. "工作测试"英文
  4. "工作测试期"英文
  5. "工作测试期后福利停止"英文
  6. "工作层次"英文
  7. "工作层面上的会议"英文
  8. "工作产出"英文
  9. "工作产品"英文
  10. "工作产品关系图"英文


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