
发音:   用"工程水平"造句
engineering level
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  1. Promoting plant and maintenance engineering level of the state people enterprise by draw on the experience of foreign enterprise
  2. We and the manner with cordial deal with concrete matters relating to work , handle each detail of each project personally , be a target to promote project of interior decoration of china and circumjacent area the standard and try hard
  3. In guide horizontal breakthrough errors of underground engineering , the breakthrough point should be treated as two different points " in the accuracy analysis and the breakthrough error is found from the relative error ellipses calculated for it "
  4. The further research in port engineering pile foundation is considered to be important of such as behavior and bearing capacity of laterally loaded single piles and pile groups , and the functional mode of wharf foundation pile under flood tide torrent , and load - deflection curve , and negative skin friction along the pile , et al . the bearing capacity and the negative skin friction of port engineering piles are analyzed , to satisfy port engineering development demand better


  1. "工程数学"英文
  2. "工程数学学报"英文
  3. "工程数值方法"英文
  4. "工程双学位"英文
  5. "工程水力学"英文
  6. "工程水文学"英文
  7. "工程水准测量"英文
  8. "工程水准仪"英文
  9. "工程说明书"英文
  10. "工程说明书, 技术作业指南"英文


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