
发音:   用"巨野县"造句
juye county
  • :    huge; tremendous; ...
  • :    open country; the ...
  • :    a surname
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  1. The 2 , 200 , 000 tons coking and 200 , 000 ton methyl alcohol projects has been replied by the lu pf 28th document of the provincial planning department , the province foreign trade hall in january , 2004
    巨野县220万吨焦化及20万吨甲醇项目,于2004年1月由省计委、省外贸厅以鲁计外资2004 28号文批复。
  2. The 1 , 000 , 000 ton dimethl ether project is making the project by the juye lu - lin mining industry corporation to be possible to grind the report , the project application report , the safety evaluation report , the environment appraisal report , the occupational disease appraise report , the earthquake , the disaster , the water resources proof , the conservation of water and soil , reports and ash dregs depth of field penetrability appraisal and so on


  1. "巨洋商事公司"英文
  2. "巨洋药品公司"英文
  3. "巨阳国际股份有限公司"英文
  4. "巨野"英文
  5. "巨野麦"英文
  6. "巨叶脉病"英文
  7. "巨胰岛素"英文
  8. "巨蚁(贝鸟)"英文
  9. "巨蚁八色鸫"英文
  10. "巨乙状结肠"英文


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