
发音:   用"巴氏杆菌病"造句
avian pasteurellosis
bovine pasteurellosis
  • 巴氏:    Pasteur
  • 杆菌:    bacillus
  • :    illness; sickness; ...
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  1. Pasteurellosis denotes an infectious disease in which the microorgunisms pasteurella multocida or pasteurella hemolytyca are causally involved .
  2. Diagnostic techniques for swine pasteurellosis
  3. Diagnosis and therapeutic test of pasteurella multocide of pigeon
  4. A dot - ppa - elisa method has been developed to detect the antibody in swine serum against pasteurellosis . the capsule polysaccharide and outer membrane protein of pasteurella multocida was prepared as the diaphragm antigen
    本研究提取猪巴氏杆菌菌株的荚膜和外膜蛋白抗原,首次建立了检测猪巴氏杆菌病血清抗体的dot - ppa - elisa方法。
  5. The high specificity of dot - ppa - elisa was proved by the specific blocking test , and also by the cross - reaction test in which the diaphragm did n ' t react with the antibodies against pasteurellosis , streptococcosis , colibacillosis , chlamydiosis , hcv , ppv , brucellosis , prv and foot - mouth disease . the diaphragm has good sensitivity and could detect some salmonella - positive test serum which has been diluted to 1 : 2048 . stored at 4 for at least 6 months or at 10 - 25 " c for 4 months , the sensitivity and specif icity of the diaphragm did n ' t change , so it has good stability
    本研究制备的诊断膜片特异性强:不与猪衣原体病、猪口蹄疫病、猪大肠杆菌病、猪布氏杆菌病、猪瘟、猪伪狂犬病、猪细小病毒病、猪巴氏杆菌病、猪链球菌病的阳性血清发生交叉反应;诊断膜片具有良好的敏感性,能够检测到1 : 2048稀释的动物试验阳性血清;膜片的保存期长,在10 25可保存4个月、 4条件下至少可保存6个月其灵敏度不变。


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