
发音:   用"布拉格衍射"造句
bragg diffraction
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  1. Acoustical imaging by bragg diffraction
  2. At the different recording angles , the raman - nath diffraction and bragg diffraction phenomenon are observed , respectively . then , the wavelength selectivity and the relationship of diffraction efficiency and polarization state are discussed when the recording angle of 60 ? formed by two writing beam
  3. And the parameter data and the figures have not been calculated ever . compared with the performance curves of the primary aod , the aod with the optimum design shows great capacity : at the extreme point of bragg diffration the optimized one obtain a 2 . 4 times wilder relative 3db bragg bandwidth than the primary one ; and with the same relative 3db bragg bandwidth which is 0 . 67 , the optimized aod has a relative 2 times of the the primary aod
    用图示的方法将优化设计后的曲线与非跟踪的曲线进行对比,在进入布拉格衍射区的临界点处经优化设计的器件相对带宽达到非跟踪器件的相对带宽的2 . 4倍;在相对带宽? f = 0 . 67的情况下,经优化设计的器件相对长度是非跟踪器件相对长度的2倍。
  4. For multi - dimension acousto - electro - optical effect , the momentum mismatch is solely replaced by mismatch caused by electric field . based on this , one - dimension acousto - electro - optical coupled wave equation and multi - dimension acousto - electro - optical coupled wave equation are founded and their diffractive efficiency formulas are also deduced respectively


  1. "布拉格效应"英文
  2. "布拉格新闻通讯"英文
  3. "布拉格宣言"英文
  4. "布拉格旋转晶体法"英文
  5. "布拉格学派"英文
  6. "布拉格衍射计"英文
  7. "布拉格衍射声成像"英文
  8. "布拉格有张床"英文
  9. "布拉格战役"英文
  10. "布拉格张力冲击试验"英文


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