
发音:   用"广义模型"造句
generalized model
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  1. An extended model - calibration approach to using complete auxiliary information from survey data
  2. This is the first time that the author puts forward to and develops the generalized model server
  3. The extended model - calibration estimators for linear and bilinear parameters is generalized , and it is shown that the extended model - calibration estimators is optimal in the class of extended calibration estimators
  4. Aimed at decision resources sharing & integration in network ' s environment , the thesis focuses on the decision support technologies based on data mining , the dss architecture and running protocol , generalized model server system , dss integration language . dss rapid development environment and so on
    论文以网络环境下决策资源的共享和集成为背景,针对基于数据开采的决策支持技术、网络环境下dss的体系结构和运行协议、广义模型服务器系统、 dss可视化集成环境和dss集成语言等方面进行了深入研究。
  5. They are a new type of neural networks . generalized model server provides the sharing and access abilities to decision resources in network environment . the server unifies organization , management and running of generalized models ( model , algorithm , plan , knowledge , instance and so on ) , which provides intercommunion between different resources , supports the running of data mining algorithms , support synchronous access of clients system , and provides remote accessing mechanism by management language ( rml )
    广义模型服务器实现了网络环境下决策资源的共享和存取,它能够对各种决策资源,如模型(包括数学模型、数据开采方法等) 、方案、知识、实例等,进行统一组织、管理和运行;支持多种决策资源之间的交互;支持多客户的同时访问;管理命令语言( rml )提供了远程客户访问服务器的手段。


  1. "广义幂零元素"英文
  2. "广义模"英文
  3. "广义模糊函数"英文
  4. "广义模拟语言"英文
  5. "广义模群"英文
  6. "广义能量"英文
  7. "广义能量积分"英文
  8. "广义逆"英文
  9. "广义逆高斯分布"英文
  10. "广义逆矩阵"英文


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