
发音:   用"广告影响"造句
advertising impact
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  1. Opinions on promotion of the effects and competitiveness of advertisements published in agricultural sci - tech periodicals
  2. These " ugly " websites delivered a 33 percent increase in revenue during the second quarter of 2002 . ( quite a feat in a recessionary advertising marketplace
    这个外观“丑陋”的网站在2002年第二个季度,利润增长乐33 % 。在那个广告影响力衰退的市场中,这个业绩很可观。
  3. With the development of advertising theories and psychology , people have learned more knowledge about how advertising affects consumers . basing on how advertising works , this paper analyzed the process how consumers actually " feel " and " think " , the mental effects including framing perception , organizing memory , enhancing experience and brand attitudes , then built the conceptual model of advertising mental effectiveness that reflects the causal relationship of various constructed variables and finally founded a structurally quantitative model


  1. "广告英语中拟人的应用"英文
  2. "广告英语中前置修饰语的结构分析"英文
  3. "广告影片"英文
  4. "广告影片测验"英文
  5. "广告影片中的万宝路先生"英文
  6. "广告用气球"英文
  7. "广告用小招贴"英文
  8. "广告用语"英文
  9. "广告用语测验"英文
  10. "广告用语一瞥"英文


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