
发音:   用"建立激励机制"造句
create an incentive mechanism
establish an incentive mechanism
  • 建立:    build; set up; est ...
  • 激励:    encourage; impel; ...
  • 机制:    machine-processed; ...
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  1. Some suggestions for human resource optimization and establishing excitation mechanism
  2. Shareholder ' s value become more and more important hi accompany with market economic system ' s being established day by day hi china . in one aspect , it is standard by which check enterprise ' s achievement
  3. This paper discusses the feasibility of attracting contributors and obtaining quality contributions by means of four measures , which are to build up brand , to strengthen publicity work , to introduce an excitation mechanism , and to provide quality services
  4. The application of the performance appraisal in a modern enterprise is of great importance . the core of it is that how to deal with fair play and efficiency . this topic will be discussed in section 5 incentive system
  5. Pioneer and bring forth new ideas . at the same time , we should be more aware of the significance of transportation investment and financing management , quicken the step of training professional talents in the field , establish the encouraging system , sum up the experience , extensively invite
    6 、解放思想、开拓创新,提高交通投融资管理的重要性认识,加快交通投融资专业人才队伍培养,建立激励机制,总结经验,广泛招商是做好交通投融资工作的基本措施。


  1. "建立或已建立"英文
  2. "建立基础"英文
  3. "建立基准"英文
  4. "建立基准的"英文
  5. "建立机场"英文
  6. "建立集体合同制度"英文
  7. "建立及更新工作标准"英文
  8. "建立几何表达式"英文
  9. "建立技术能力"英文
  10. "建立寄存器"英文


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