
发音:   用"弥补措施"造句
methods of compensation
  • 弥补:    make up; remedy; m ...
  • 措施:    measure; step
  • 措施:    measure; step 短语和例 ...
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  1. Where impacts on the protected areas are unavoidable adequate off - site compensation should be pursued , for example perhaps by extending the boundaries of the protected areas , or by strengthening the regulatory controls that apply within them
  2. The public has a right to know exactly why . in addition , the feasibility of alternative options such as sourcing gas from the sinopec project appear to have been poorly explored by both clp and government , judging from the lack of detailed comments from both parties on these options
  3. At present , lacking of risk awareness is one of the problems existing generally in chinese enterprises , or paying little attention to risk management , or immature ability on risk management . most enterprises suffer great losses , because they only adopt some remedial measures passively after the crises
  4. In fact , the study on the competitive advantages of state - owned commercial banks , which is the backbone of china ' s banking industry , must at least include the two following aspects . first , domestically , the competitive advantages of state - owned commercial banks are revealed in the process of competition with other non - state - owned commercial banks . thus an evaluation and prediction of the characteristics of the market structure of china ' s banking system must be made in the process of comparison
  5. Firstly , an applying architecture of ssl protocol is given . then the security algorithm system and technology specification is analysed and researched . according to this , the security advantage and existing problem is discussed . moreover , the repairing measure and the implementing strategy of ssl is put forward


  1. "弥补赤字"英文
  2. "弥补赤字筹款"英文
  3. "弥补赤字筹资"英文
  4. "弥补赤字的公债"英文
  5. "弥补赤字借款"英文
  6. "弥补的"英文
  7. "弥补的言辞"英文
  8. "弥补费用"英文
  9. "弥补缝隙"英文
  10. "弥补过失"英文


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