
发音:   用"形变理论"造句
deformation theory
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  1. Abstract : the method of fast finite element analysis of sheet metal forming based on deformation theory was explored , and the computer program was implemented
    文摘:研究了基于形变理论的金属板料成形快速有限元分析的方法? ?反向方法,并实现了计算程序。
  2. In order to solve the problem in traditional method of blank development , deformation theory and the assumption of ideal forming are adopted , and one step approach to design sheet metal forming is derived
  3. So , secondly , we constructed the one paremeter family of deformation of split algebras , we obtained the results from the method of c . cibils , not from the definition given by m . gerstenhaber . specially , we discussed the one parameter family of deformation of trivial algebras
    C . cibils从双复形的角度对分裂代数的hochschild上同调进行了研究,借助其方法,我们在文章的第二部分对分裂代数的形变理论做了研究。
  4. The tensile steps and the tensile forces during construction stage of prestressed strands are confirmed for decreasing the secondary bending moment along the axial of penstock . 2 . the formulas of internal forces of prestressed concrete penstock with or without steel liner are given based on the elastic plane strain theory of axisymmetric multilayer cylinders and the mechanism of the ring - like strands action
  5. The elastic solution for elastic - plastic problem is based on model theory of elastic - plasticity and deformation theory of plasticity . with the original data which embodies the stress state of complicated structure at elastic phase and is attained by experiment or calculation , according to the similarity theory between elasticity and plasticity and generalized stress - strain material curves , and using new means and new techniques , this method and change the elastic value into plastic value correspondingly


  1. "形变加工软化"英文
  2. "形变假说"英文
  3. "形变结构"英文
  4. "形变结构 形变织构"英文
  5. "形变矩阵"英文
  6. "形变力"英文
  7. "形变链"英文
  8. "形变流动"英文
  9. "形变铝合金"英文
  10. "形变率"英文



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