
发音:   用"待遇平等"造句
equal treatment
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  1. Equality of treatment ( accident compensation ) convention , geneva , 5 . 6 . 1925 ( ilc no . 19 )
    1925年6月5日在日内瓦通过的《待遇平等(意外赔偿)公约》 (第19号公约)
  2. Scholars developed further more the thoughts of information publicity of the philosophy of publicity , which gradually formed the basic principal for the morden security law with the guideline of " publicity , equity and justice " , which represents during the process of acquisition of listing corporation the principal of information publicly , the principal of equality of the shareholder ' s treatment and the principal of the protection the medium and small shareholders " interests , and becomes the guideline of the legislation of the listing corporation acquisition
    此后学者进一步发展了公开哲学的信息公开思想,逐渐形成了以“公开、公平、公正”为核心的现代证券法基本原则。在上市公司收购中, “三公”原则具体表现为信息公开原则、股东待遇平等原则和保护中小股东利益原则,成为上市公司收购立法的核心。


  1. "待遇;劳动待遇"英文
  2. "待遇不薄"英文
  3. "待遇菲薄"英文
  4. "待遇丰厚的工作"英文
  5. "待遇好"英文
  6. "待遇优厚"英文
  7. "待遇优厚的打字员和职员的空缺"英文
  8. "待遇优厚的工作"英文
  9. "待遇原则作为不歧视原则"英文
  10. "待浴栏"英文


哈佛研究:长寿秘诀在于喝粥 !(双语)

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