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over consumption
overall consumption
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  1. That is to say , when prices climb , the demand decreases , and when prices fall , the demand grows
  2. The growth will be driven not only by the rapidly increasing urbanization rate but also by a substantial ( 6 . 1 percent ) annual increase in per capita consumption
    在此期间城市总消费量将呈现出年均增长8 . 7 %的态势,这将主要来自城市化进程的加速和6 . 1 %的人均年消费力的大幅增长。
  3. The apparent consumption is 21 . 96 million tons in 2000 increased 15 % than 1999 , china occupy 13 . 4 % resin consumption in the world , that rank in the second position behind usa of 36 . 62 million tons
    2000年我国合成树脂表观消费量为2196万吨,比1999年增长15 % 。我国合成树脂消费量为世界总消费量的13 . 4 % ,仅次于美国( 3662万吨)居世界第二位。
  4. The central government s tightening of the industrial land supply in 2004 as a macroeconomic cooling measure has added to the supply constraints . as industrial facilities move inland , the leading cities need to develop and grow into strong bases for mncs regional headquarters and provide centers for r d facilities , ho said
    据悉,中国是日本家具进口的主要合作伙伴,根据日本官方的数据统计,在日本,进口家具占到了日本家具总消费量的15 % , 2001年进口额达7 . 6亿美元,比2000年增长了28 % 。


  1. "总向量"英文
  2. "总销售表"英文
  3. "总销售额"英文
  4. "总销售管理计划"英文
  5. "总销售量,周转率"英文
  6. "总消费品"英文
  7. "总消费者购买力"英文
  8. "总消费支出"英文
  9. "总消耗量"英文
  10. "总消耗量, 总消费量"英文



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