
发音:   用"总盖度"造句
total cover-degree
  • :    assemble; gather; ...
  • :    a surname
  • :    surmise; estimate
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  1. Through investigating their index of growth and soil water content from april to october , observing their species composition in july and above - ground biomass in september , measuring seasonal changes of plant moisture stress , net photosynthesis rate , transpiration rate of s . viciifolia and hance , after analyzing all kind of data , the following conclusions can be drawn : 1
    主要结论如下: 1 、狼牙刺的株高在1 . 50m左右、冠幅约2 . 0 2 . 0m 、平均分枝数约为4 . 45 。不同立地条件下,狼牙刺覆盖度均在50以上,加上林下草灌层在生长旺期总盖度均能达到70以上。
  2. Applying the relevant analysis approach of gray system , the authors analyze and assess the average of 9 pasture species on the 12 indexes , including the total covering rate , the hight of grass , green period , reviving period , resisting disease , tiller , length and amount of root , weight of root , weight of leaf and stem , tasty impression , and study the application of gray analysis in the comprehensive assessment


  1. "总概率"英文
  2. "总概率公式"英文
  3. "总概率偏差"英文
  4. "总概算"英文
  5. "总钙"英文
  6. "总干部"英文
  7. "总干部部长"英文
  8. "总干吃力不讨好的事"英文
  9. "总干管隧道"英文
  10. "总干胶回收率"英文


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