
发音:   用"感官指标"造句
oranoleptic indicator
sensory index
  • 感官:    sense organ
  • 指标:    target; quota; nor ...
  • 感官:    sense organ; senso ...
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  1. The main water quality indexes which were not eligible were microbial and sense
  2. The physiochemical indexes and sensory indexes of finished product wrapped starter were superior to that of flat - panel starter
  3. Fungus protease a inhibitor containing multiple bioactive components including protein , polypeptide and polysaccharide etc . was added in pure draft beer , which could evidently improve foam stability of pure draft beer with no adverse effects on beer sensory index and physiochemical index
  4. The results showed that there was notable effect of soybean protein on the frozen dumpling quality , and it was different to the different ( lines ) wheat flour ; after adding appropriate amount of soybean protein , the cracking ratio of frozen dumpling and loss ratio of boiled dumpling of shan 168 , pubing 143 , 31 - 1 - 12 , 981 wheat flour dumpling both fell at different degrees , but the cracking ratio of frozen dumpling and loss ratio of boiled dumpling of 3 - 2 wheat flour dumpling increased ; after adding soybean protein , the frozen and boiled appearance , eating sense , boiled and dumpling soup character of 3 - 2 , 31 - 1 - 12 , 981 wheat flour dumpling were improved , but the eating sense of shan 168 and the soup character of pubing 143 wheat flour dumpling were not affected , but other sensory indexes were obviously improved
    结果表明,大豆蛋白对冷冻水饺质量有显著影响,对不同品种(系)小麦粉水饺的影响不同;添加适量大豆蛋白,可使陕168 ,普冰143 , 31 - 1 - 12 , 981小麦粉水饺的冻裂率和烹煮损失率有不同程度的降低,但使3 - 2小麦粉水饺的冻裂率和烹煮损失率升高;添加大豆蛋白能明显改善3 - 2 , 31 - 1 - 12 , 981小麦粉水饺冷冻后和煮后外观、口感、耐煮性及饺子汤特征;添加大豆蛋白虽对陕168水饺口感和普冰143水饺汤特征无明显影响,但可明显改善其他感官指标


  1. "感官抑制"英文
  2. "感官影响"英文
  3. "感官游戏"英文
  4. "感官知觉"英文
  5. "感官知觉或感觉"英文
  6. "感官质量"英文
  7. "感官质量指天然水处理质量"英文
  8. "感官组评定"英文
  9. "感观"英文
  10. "感观分析"英文


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