
发音:   用"拓扑误差"造句
topological errors
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  1. Difference surface in combination with the least square method is employed for the evaluation of topographic deviation for sbg
  2. Geometrical and physical meanings of difference surface are presented , and the parameters of tooth surface topographic deviations are derived . in addition , the complete mathematical formulae of the 0th , the 1st , 2nd order form deviations is proposed , and diagnostic parameters of each order form deviation is gotten by the least square method , which lead to evaluate the tooth surface topographic deviation quantificationally
  3. Based on the conception of gear global deviations , starting with the related factors influencing sbg ’ s deviations , the paper has explored the quantitative evaluation of topographic deviation for sbg by means of mathematical method in combination with measurement principle , and has developed the software of sbg ’ s deviation evaluation
  4. The two key factors , machining methods and machine - setting parameters of sbg , which are related with the generation of theoretical tooth surface and topographic deviation for sbg , are analyzed in details . after building the machine - tool mathematical model and computing the tooth surface parameters , using the given conditions and mesh equation , the coordinates of the theoretical tooth surface of sbg can be computed , and , then , the theoretical tooth surface model of sbg is derived
  5. The first generation spatial analysis database system , sadbs , uses " realms " as expression base of spatial data . it adopts discrete integer coordinate system to solve topological error in spatial database . it also uses multi - index data organization and plane - sweep algorithm , which improve the performance of spatial analysis operations


  1. "拓扑微分不变式"英文
  2. "拓扑微分几何"英文
  3. "拓扑维"英文
  4. "拓扑维数"英文
  5. "拓扑稳定性"英文
  6. "拓扑昔康"英文
  7. "拓扑线性空间"英文
  8. "拓扑向量格"英文
  9. "拓扑向量空间"英文
  10. "拓扑向量剖面图"英文



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