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search agent
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  1. Spidering agents are notified that certain foaf files aren t encrypted for them , and the agents can then ignore those files
  2. Some use them to keep a close watch on the demand for their line of work or gather information on compensation to arm themselves when negotiating for a raise
  3. Some use them to keep a close watch on the demand for their line of work or gather information on compensation to arm themselves when negotiating for a raise
  4. To study the intelligentization of search tools for network education resources and provide personalized information service of intelligent agent system for students , the design and implementation of a personalized intelligent agent search engine is proposed based on the concept network and intelligent search agent technology under the background of current network education resource environment
  5. In this paper , we elaborate an intelligent search agent working on the internet , introduce the conception of ontology into the agent , make use of ability of ontology to describe semantic knowledge , set up a simple model of information agent using ontology to standardize the user ' s requests , analyze the results returned by the search agent and study the user ' s interests in order to let the information agent to retrieve information for users without requests


  1. "搜索处理器"英文
  2. "搜索船"英文
  3. "搜索错误"英文
  4. "搜索打捞船"英文
  5. "搜索带宽度"英文
  6. "搜索导航"英文
  7. "搜索到, 查出"英文
  8. "搜索的"英文
  9. "搜索的关键词"英文
  10. "搜索的目标"英文


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