
发音:   用"支持儿童"造句
say yes for children
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  1. Over the years , she has been 30 ) involved in dozens of projects to support child 31 ) welfare
  2. One of the most articulated voices in china supporting children is lu xun ( 1880 - 1936 ) , although his cry has not been fully heard
    在中国,一个重要的支持儿童的声音来自鲁迅先生( 1880 - 1936 ) ,但他的声音还未引起足够的重视。
  3. Fifthly , regression analysis indicates the peer group support gender - normative aggression while reject gender - nonnormative aggression in adolescents " friendship
  4. To plan , direct and supervise the operations support unit activities , and ensure that financial , technological and information resources are efficiently utilized to achieve the organization ' s targets and satisfy the needs of plan supported children and families
  5. Steroid minimization and avoidance in single - center uncontrolled trials have shown early promise and the availability of data from an ongoing randomized , prospective , controlled trial of steroid avoidance in children will provide necessary data to support a practice change for steroid elimination in children


  1. "支持动态中止时序控制机制"英文
  2. "支持动议"英文
  3. "支持多达70种文件格式"英文
  4. "支持多个流程服务器"英文
  5. "支持堕胎的"英文
  6. "支持儿童事业全球运动"英文
  7. "支持发表"英文
  8. "支持发展大企业放开小企业"英文
  9. "支持发展项目"英文
  10. "支持反射"英文


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