
发音:   用"放电能量"造句
discharge energy
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  1. Development of high temperature farady cups for in - situ measurements of powder surface charge under thermal
  2. The experimental research of edm process of conductive engeering ceramics using a special power supply by controlling pulse discharging energy , is discussed
  3. Abstract : the experimental research of edm process of conductive engeering ceramics using a special power supply by controlling pulse discharging energy , is discussed
  4. Test results have shown that with discharge energy of 40 j , our ppt ' s thrust has reached more than 0 . 605 mn , and its isp is 1188 s and weight is 4 . 2kg , which reaches the level of current ppt used in the world
    所研制的脉冲等离子体推力器样机质量为4 . 2kg ,在放电能量为40j时,推力为0 . 605mn ,比冲为1188s ,达到国际同期空间试验样机的水平。
  5. Plasma ignition for engine is a new pattern portfire , it firstly lights up the start - up oil and form ignition torch to ignite the main oli in the combustor . lt is a new technolygy , at the present only ukraine have used this technique in marine gas turbine and the ground gas turbine to increase the reliability of retro fires and extend the concentration limit of retro fires


  1. "放电流噪声"英文
  2. "放电路径"英文
  3. "放电率"英文
  4. "放电脉冲"英文
  5. "放电磨削"英文
  6. "放电纽约"英文
  7. "放电喷雾器;放电原子化器"英文
  8. "放电频率"英文
  9. "放电平台"英文
  10. "放电破坏式印刷机"英文


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