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data vector
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  1. Experiments on a large real - world dataset demonstrate a remarkable reduction of the amount of accessed vectors in exact nn searches compared with existing indexing schemes
  2. Different from previous document clustering method based on nmf , our methods try to discover both the geometric and discriminating structures of the document space in an unsupervised manner , companied with high accuracy in acceptable computationally expensive
  3. The document space is generally of high dimensionality and clustering in such a high dimensional space is often infeasible due to the curse of dimensionality . so the primary step in document clustering is to project the document into a lower - rank semantic space in which the documents related to the same semantics are close to each other
  4. Different from other rank reduction methods , such as pca ( principal component analysis ) and vq ( vector quantization ) , nmf ( nonnegative matrix factorization ) can get nonnegative , sparse basis vectors which make possible of the concept of a parts - based representation
    与pca (主分量分析)和vq (矢量量化)等降维算法不同, nmf (非负矩阵分解)算法能够分解出非负的,稀疏的特征矩阵和编码矩阵,能够提取原始数据向量的局部特征,使基于局部特征进行分类的聚类算法更容易实现。


  1. "数据项再分组"英文
  2. "数据项再整理"英文
  3. "数据项值"英文
  4. "数据项综合"英文
  5. "数据项组"英文
  6. "数据消除"英文
  7. "数据消息处理器"英文
  8. "数据小区组"英文
  9. "数据校验"英文
  10. "数据校验程序"英文


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