
发音:   用"数据对齐"造句
alignment of data
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  1. If you ' re copying or modifying an existing table , then for each field listed , click the field name , data alignment value , and column width value you want
  2. If you ' re creating a table from scratch , then for each field you want to include , click the field name , data alignment value , and column width value you want
  3. ( 4 ) design an output board to process the result data , transfer digital data out and realize digital to analog conversion . ( 5 ) debug and improve on the system hardware
    ( 4 )以一片adsp21160m和一片ep1k100qc208为核心,设计输出板电路,完成数据对齐、求模和数据向下一级的输出,并产生模拟输出。
  4. On the foundation of analysis of dvm system , a graphic visual parallel program developing environment is designed , and with vc as the basic tool , the main function of the developing enviroment such as display the data distributed onto some processors , as well as data align , data remote access are realized


  1. "数据段首标"英文
  2. "数据段首标,数据段报头"英文
  3. "数据段太长"英文
  4. "数据断点"英文
  5. "数据断开点"英文
  6. "数据对象"英文
  7. "数据对象多维"英文
  8. "数据对象服务"英文
  9. "数据对象精灵"英文
  10. "数据对象数据控制"英文


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