
发音:   用"数据误差"造句
data error
datum error
error in data
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  1. Method of deal with data error by subsection curve fitting and discrete degree
  2. The result has the reference significance for choosing geoelectric observation location and observation data error correction
  3. 4 . we analysed the characters of system composing , primary flow of software system , arithmetic of the hole center ’ s orientation and the hole diameter ’ s obtaining , arithmetic of the final data error analysis
    4 、针对系统构成的特点和上述几个主要问题进行分析,论述了课题中软件系统的主要流程、 pcb板的孔心定位和孔径测量算法、数据误差分析算法。
  4. By using of the frequency , which is more accurate than the mode shape , the fully nonlinear identification algorithm using the frequency data was coupled with the flexibility projection method to estimate the magnitude of damage in a structure
  5. Three advanced issues are studied . they are the statistical distributions for the errors of the average s - n relation fitting into the test data , the maximum value model for the probabilistic model , and the material probabilistic fatigue strength under spectrum - loads
    论文围绕均值s - n曲线拟合s - n数据误差的统计分布模型、测定概率s - n曲线的极大值模型和基于极大值模型的谱载荷下材料的概率疲劳强度的测定三方面,开展了较为深入地研究。


  1. "数据紊乱"英文
  2. "数据问题和出版物委员会"英文
  3. "数据污染 违背数据一致性的情况。"英文
  4. "数据无线电"英文
  5. "数据无线信道"英文
  6. "数据误差检测"英文
  7. "数据误差向量"英文
  8. "数据误用,数据窃用"英文
  9. "数据析取"英文
  10. "数据稀疏"英文


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