
发音:   用"文物研究所"造句
relics research institute
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  1. Mr . duan hongzhen deputy director , hebei provincial institute of cultural relics
  2. A selected introduction of the ceramic pillows stored in the hebei provincial institute of cultural relics
  3. It ' s established in 1980 and in the support of chinese academy of social sciences 、 beijing cultural relic research institute and the bureau of cultural relic of tongzhou , affiliation has been built with many cultural relic organizations and art industries
  4. Prior to the commencement of road construction in 2001 , the antiquities and monuments office organized a large - scale rescue excavation for the sake of conserving the underground cultural remains , jointly with the shaanxi archaeology institute , hebei provincial institute of cultural relics , henan provincial institute of cultural relics and archaeology and the institute of cultural relics and archaeology of guangzhou . abundant ancient cultural relics were unearthed by this operation
  5. To meet the extremely tight schedule and enormous scale of the project , experts from four mainland provincial institutes , namely hebei provincial institute of cultural relics , henan provincial institute of cultural relics and archaeology , shaanxi archaeology institute , and institute of cultural relics and archaeology of guangzhou were invited to form a joint archaeological team to take charge of the rescue excavation


  1. "文物事业管理局"英文
  2. "文物系统博物馆安全防范工程设计规范"英文
  3. "文物修复工作室"英文
  4. "文物修复员"英文
  5. "文物修整"英文
  6. "文物征集"英文
  7. "文物荟萃"英文
  8. "文熙和"英文
  9. "文熙俊"英文
  10. "文熙俊--i"英文


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