
发音:   用"新舟"造句
  • :    new; fresh; novel; ...
  • :    boat
  • 新舟60:    xian ma60
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  1. At last , the test for the ma60 apu noise with the micro perforated absorber is present in this paper . experiment results show that an obvious reduction has be obtained using this micro perforated absorber
  2. It is the propose of this paper to develop a method to reduce the noise level of ma60 apu without more weighting and other infection on airplane . to accomplish this object , a new type of micro perforated absorber is used
  3. In the section of results and discussion , the comparative study and the relationship among related genera are discussed . the fauna analysis is given . the key to the genera of chinese stenopodainae and keys to species of each genus are given
  4. Aircraft noise is an important problem for the larger noise level . the ma60 is one of the new commercial aircraft in china . in the design and producer of this airplane , the noise from the apu of this plane is very large and need to be reduced
    我国中航一集团西飞公司最新研制的新舟60飞机的apu ( auxiliarypowerunit ,辅助动力装置)在机场停靠时会产生较大的噪声,极大的影响旅客乘坐飞机的舒适度。
  5. The aviation industry for civil use , while strengthening technological research , expanding sub - contracting scope for production , and improving existing plane models , has made important headway in manufacturing general - purpose aircraft and the " xinzhou 60 " aircraft , and has begun the r & d of new feederliners
    民用飞机工业在加强技术研究、扩大转包生产、改进现有机型的同时,在通用飞机、 “新舟60 ”飞机生产上取得重要进展,并开始研制新型支线飞机。


  1. "新肿凡纳明"英文
  2. "新肿牙形石属"英文
  3. "新重接"英文
  4. "新重商主义"英文
  5. "新众"英文
  6. "新舟60"英文
  7. "新舟牙形石属"英文
  8. "新周报"英文
  9. "新周刊"英文
  10. "新州"英文


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