
发音:   用"无覆盖层"造句
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  1. Based on the construction of large diameter pile foundations at deep water riverbed without overburden for the shengmi bridge in nanchang , the construction difficulties and construction control key points involved in the method for bored pile construction with floating gantry are described
  2. In the light of the low - lying pile cap foundations designed for main piers no . 2 and no . 3 of tianluo bridge on wenzhou - fuzhou railway . this paper describes the ways to resolve the construction problems of the foundations in deep water in sea and at seabed that is steep and without overburden , using the construction techniques of underwater rock blasting , steel cofferdam floating , positioning , bottom sealing and manual pile digging
    摘要针对温福铁路田螺大桥2号、 3号主墩设计上采用低桩承台基础情况,介绍运用水下岩石爆破,浮运钢围堰就位、封底、人工挖孔桩等施工技术解决海上深水、河床陡峭且无覆盖层的基础施工难题。


  1. "无副本供应"英文
  2. "无副作用"英文
  3. "无覆"英文
  4. "无覆层钢"英文
  5. "无覆盖播种"英文
  6. "无覆盖层的"英文
  7. "无覆盖层的, 无覆盖的, 未涂层的, 无磁层的"英文
  8. "无覆盖导体;裸导体"英文
  9. "无覆盖的"英文
  10. "无覆盖耕种"英文


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