
发音:   用"显示器厂商"造句
display manufacturer
monitor vendor
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  1. Since tft - lcd panel makers gave priority to a few oem brand customers , it was a major challenge for lcd monitor manufacturers focusing on channel sales and regional odm brand customers to obtain adequate supplies of these components . as a result , group sales of lcd monitors experienced some constraint
    另一方面, tft液晶屏供应商一般优先供货予少数原电脑oem品牌客户,故对于从事渠道直销和原设计odm生产的液晶体显示器厂商来说,要取得足够部件供应有一定困难,因此亦限制了集团在液晶体显示器销售方面的发展。
  2. Since tft - lcd panel makers gave priority to a few oem brand customers , it was a major challenge for lcd monitor manufacturers focusing on channel sales and regional odm brand customers to obtain adequate supplies of these components . as a result , group sales of lcd monitors experienced some constraint . on the crt front , the demand was stronger than many industry surveys had forecast
    另一方面, tft液晶屏供应商一般优先供货予少数原电脑( oem )品牌客户,故对于从事渠道直销和原设计( odm )生产的液晶体显示器厂商来说,要取得足够部件供应有一定困难,因此亦限制了集团在液晶体显示器销售方面的发展。


  1. "显示器;显示设备"英文
  2. "显示器编码"英文
  3. "显示器标度"英文
  4. "显示器参数状态"英文
  5. "显示器操作控制台"英文
  6. "显示器处理单元"英文
  7. "显示器打印机端口"英文
  8. "显示器的标尺标记"英文
  9. "显示器的点阵尺寸"英文
  10. "显示器的判读"英文


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