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landscape cell
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  1. This method includes four - layer classification system of landscape region , landscape type , landscape subtype and landscape unit
  2. Hence a clear and logic evaluation system is set up from three dimentional indexes , i . e . green landscape unit evaluation , urban or suburban area evaluation and city area evaluation . this system is conducive to a better assessment of greenland ecology
  3. The paper selects baijiataun village and beizhai village which have diversiform landforms and land use types as the typical regions of positive research , classifies the detailed landscape type to these two villages separately by the method of function and configuration of rural landscape . as a result , 1 landscape region , 3 landscape types , 9 subtypes and 28 landscape units are to be classified in the baijiatuan village . as far as beizhai village is concerned , its four - layer classification system includes 1 landscape region , 3 landscape types , 9 landscape subtypes and 32 landscape units
    实证研究以地貌类型和土地利用方式比较典型的北京市海淀区白家疃村和怀柔区北宅村为例,运用乡村景观功能形态分类方法,分别对这两个村进行了详细的景观类型划分;其中白家疃村共划分了1个景观区、 3个景观类、 9个景观亚类和28个景观单元;而北宅村共划分了1个景观区、 3个景观类、 9个景观亚类和32个景观单元;在此基础上,借助于supermap软件平台,编制了白家疃村和北宅村的景观类型图。
  4. The second part give an all - around demonstration on eco - economic backgrounds of hilly gullied loess region and concluded that small watersheds are dominant landscape units that enable them to be basic for regional management and development . ecological and economic strategies for regional development are also put forward : soil and water conservation to improve ecological environment should be first - line task the region shoulders in the new century . " grain for green " policy provides chances of accelerating development for the region
  5. Small watersheds are dominant landscape units of the region as well as runoff production , convergence and sand production unit which reflecting soil and water loss rules . small watersheds are eco - economic compound systems , embodying structure and function of economic and social activities of human being during a certain period time


  1. "景观暴雨管理"英文
  2. "景观残留成分"英文
  3. "景观策略"英文
  4. "景观层次"英文
  5. "景观成分"英文
  6. "景观倒转"英文
  7. "景观灯"英文
  8. "景观灯光监控"英文
  9. "景观等高线"英文
  10. "景观等级"英文


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