
发音:   用"智慧资产"造句
intelletual asset
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  1. Take time to read , it is the fountain of wisdom
  2. The knowledge and experiences of library staff are the intellectual assets of any library and should be valued and shared
  3. Human knowledge and machine knowledge of transmission case design are shared by the appropriate person through knowledge map of the enterprise which integrates the intelligence asset , dispels the bottleneck of knowledge transferring and speedups the knowledge reusing
  4. With the rapid development of the high - tech industry , the trade secret become the new comer of the intellectual property family , which is different from the traditional intellectual property such as copyright , patent , trade marks . the most prominent trait of trade secret is its secrecy ; other obvious traits that include wide coverage and sliding development are according to the special requirement of the rapid development and growth of the high - tech industry . at modern time , developed countries , which are good at the high - tech industry almost , protect the trade secret by law on different degree and reinforce the protection of law in order to protect their own high - tech industry as well as to maintain the economic competition


  1. "智慧之钥代序编者自序编者自序(译文)人生"英文
  2. "智慧只能在真理中找到"英文
  3. "智慧种子"英文
  4. "智慧祝福"英文
  5. "智慧资本"英文
  6. "智慧尊者"英文
  7. "智慧箴言"英文
  8. "智惠"英文
  9. "智惠岛"英文
  10. "智惠人"英文


熬夜只会说stay up?其实老外都不这么说!
血型决定性格,还能决定你会得什么病  (双语)

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