
发音:   用"暂时沉默"造句
temporarily silent refusing to speak
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  1. After a brief silence , rendered still more solemn by the time and place , the count said , in a tone of melancholy wholly unlike his usual manner , " in order to bring this conversation to a fitting termination the last we shall ever hold upon this subject , i will repeat to you some words i have heard from the lips of the abb
    伯爵暂时沉默了一会儿,这短暂的沉默使周围的气氛更加严肃起来,尤其是在这样的时间,这样的地点。一会儿之后,他用一种完全不同于他平时那抑郁的口吻说道: “我们今天的游览就到此为止吧,为了正式结束这番谈话,我可以把布沙尼神甫亲口对我说过的几句话复述给你听:一切罪恶只有两帖药时间和沉默。
  2. There was a moment s silence , during which sinbad gave himself up to thoughts that seemed to occupy him incessantly , even in the midst of his conversation ; and franz abandoned himself to that mute revery , into which we always sink when smoking excellent tobacco , which seems to remove with its fume all the troubles of the mind , and to give the smoker in exchange all the visions of the soul


  1. "暂时不要下载 链接错误"英文
  2. "暂时不用的"英文
  3. "暂时不用的,已归档的文档及记录"英文
  4. "暂时不掌握"英文
  5. "暂时部分劳动能力丧失"英文
  6. "暂时沉默的"英文
  7. "暂时稠化"英文
  8. "暂时除名的供货商"英文
  9. "暂时储存电路"英文
  10. "暂时储存器"英文



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